Friday, August 29, 2008

This is always a tough choice for me

Mama D's Selections or Queenella???

Usually I only have to worry about the fresh choice of creek-washed or stump-beat.

I'll have ask Ralph about this one.


Ralph, Jr. said...

As a connoisseur of the afore mentioned entrails. “Creek-washed or stump-beat” is merely the first stage of the preparation process. The outcome of the final product, whether boiled or deep fried is completely dependant on the consumers preparation immediately prior to cooking. I would like to note: I do not have a preference of boiled or deep fried. Both produce a very tasty eat.
Unlike many products, a chit’lin is a chit’lin is a chit’lin whether you harvest it directly from the evisceration process or purchase it “Creek-washed or stump-beat” from your favorite super market.
Happy eat'n

Mac said...

I have slipped too far North of the Mason Dixon line to find such delicacies....enjoy